all postcodes in CB21 / CAMBRIDGE

find any address or company within the CB21 postcode district

Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB21 6AA 0 52.115808 0.238249
CB21 6AB 2 52.116871 0.239091
CB21 6AE 2 52.113809 0.235708
CB21 6AF 0 52.114462 0.237626
CB21 6AG 0 52.111547 0.236282
CB21 6AH 4 52.111242 0.230746
CB21 6AL 1 52.11713 0.225884
CB21 6AW 5 52.119435 0.217132
CB21 6AN 2 52.122129 0.21893
CB21 6AP 4 52.126198 0.223954
CB21 6AQ 0 52.110385 0.235932
CB21 6AR 1 52.126918 0.222807
CB21 6AS 4 52.109184 0.223516
CB21 6AT 1 52.103304 0.232833
CB21 6AU 1 52.103261 0.222215
CB21 6AX 2 52.09321 0.224007
CB21 6AY 0 52.108275 0.245188
CB21 6AZ 0 52.115169 0.23826
CB21 6BA 0 52.112997 0.236647
CB21 6BB 0 52.112543 0.236887